Improve Your Mental Well Being ('Sweet but a Psycho' is A Better Song Title Than Lifestyle)

Improving your mental well being and taking care of yourself don’t always have to be expensive. If luxurious and exotic yoga retreats, green juices and fancy spa trips aren’t in your budget, consider any of the following to help you embrace self-care without breaking your bank.

The best forms of self-care are those everyday practices that help you feel more present, balanced and refreshed.

Meditation Being present means fully accepting and embracing what is in front of you and surrendering into the unknown. Meditation helps you balance and gather your thoughts, as well as help you become aware of yourself and your surroundings. A recent study on mindfulness shows that you only need about 10 minutes of your day to meditate.

Set an Intention A simple ritual of creating or setting a weekly intention (aim or purpose) can boost your everyday experience. Setting an intention can help you focus on what’s important in the moment and provides balance that will help you see things more clearly.

Mindful Walking Taking quiet, mindful walks can help clear your head, especially when you feel as though there’s too much clutter inside your mind. A study indicated that a quiet 60-minute mindful walking can reduce stress and improve your quality of life.

Rest Setting a nightly alarm to remind you it is time for you to cool down, rest and call it a day can help uplift your mental well being. Getting enough rest and sleep can help you not only focus more on your tasks for the day and but also improve your mood. If you are feeling sluggish, take a nap, drink water and listen to calming music as well. The most important thing is for you to rest, sleep and relax your mind and body.

Self-care doesn’t need to be another item on your to-do list or an additional expenditure in your budget. It can be something as simple as cooking a meal at home, taking a bath and being more mindful about how you are spending your time and energy – and remembering to take a deep breath.