Feeling Good All Over, Easing Joint Pain in Perimenopause

More than half of women in menopause suffer from arthralgia, commonly known as joint pain.

The causes of joint pain can be difficult to pinpoint because menopause coincides with the increasing incidence of chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Hormonal fluctuations are a major factor in the onset and severity of these symptoms during menopause.


However, the incidence of joint pain in women appears to increase during the transition period to menopause.

This transition phase is called perimenopause.

This is believed to be due to a drop in estrogen levels.

There are estrogen receptors in the joints.

Estrogen protects and helps reduce inflammation in joints.

When estrogen levels drop during perimenopause, joints can become swollen and painful.

Reduced estrogen levels also contribute to loss of bone density.

This puts postmenopausal women at an increased risk of osteoporosis, a condition in which low bone mass weakens and weakens the bones.

Along with joint stiffness, estrogen fluctuations increase joint inflammation.

This can lead to osteoarthritis associated with menopause.

Those who go through early menopause are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint pain associated with menopause is usually worse in the morning and subsides as joints relax during daily activities.

Many women complain of pain in the

  • back
  • neck
  • jaw
  • shoulder and
  • elbows.

Applying ice to painful or inflamed areas may help.


Back pain, particularly low back pain, can become a problem for many postmenopausal women.

A study of 5,325 women found that postmenopausal women were twice as likely to report back pain as premenopausal women.

The spine is made up of many joints, including the intervertebral joints, which allow the back to move.

Decreased estrogen levels cause more inflammation in these joints and wear and tear on the discs.


Knee pain is also very common during menopause.

This is perhaps not surprising since the knee is one of the largest joints, connecting and supporting the

  • femur (thigh bone),
  • patella (kneecap),
  • tibia (shinbone), and
  • fibula (arrow).

Your knees take a lot of stress and wear and tear throughout life as they carry a large portion of your weight.

Wrists and fingers can also be affected.

Joint pain can be accompanied by

  • stiffness,
  • swelling, and even
  • shooting pains in the back, arms, and legs.

Some women report more burning, especially after a workout.

If you have joint pain, it can be difficult to differentiate between menopausal pain and arthritis pain.


During menopause, women may be at increased risk of developing osteoarthritis (particularly of the hands) and possibly rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear of the joints.

In contrast, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease.

This means your immune system, which normally fights infection, mistakenly attacks the cells lining your joints, leading to

  • joint swelling,
  • stiffness and
  • pain.

Although pain doesn’t necessarily mean arthritis, it’s important to know when to seek additional help and advice.


Although there is currently no specific treatment for menopausal joint pain, various measures can be effective.

Healthy Eating

Consume enough high-quality protein.

Include foods high in calcium and vitamin D, such as

  • dairy products,
  • leafy greens,
  • beans, and
  • legumes.

Additionally advantageous are the anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids found in

  • fish,
  • flaxseeds, and
  • chia seeds.


Exercise is important for everyone during midlife, specifically strength training.

During perimenopause, women often lose up to twenty-percent of their lean body mass.

Weight-bearing activities that build muscle and bone strength include

  • hiking,
  • running,
  • walking, and
  • jumping rope.

Yoga helps increase flexibility.

Aim for 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise as recommended by general guidelines.


Hormone therapy (HT) has been shown to have some benefit in relieving joint pain associated with menopause and may be considered for women with vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes (or hot flushes) or night sweats.

Simple pain relievers can also help, especially in women with osteoarthritis.

You can also try applying ice to painful or inflamed areas.

The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

mySysters is an app for women in perimenopause and menopause. Good Housekeeping and Woman’s Day named mySysters the Best App for Women in Perimenopause and a Must Have App for Women.